Friday, July 13, 2012

A month later...

Again, not so good at this whole blogging thing. I won't go into why I haven't blogged in a month exactly, but to put it simply: life gets in the way. Unfortunately "life" in my case is work... and it has consistently been "in the way" of not only blogging, but a lot of other areas of my life. As I have mentioned before, work is not my favorite thing to sacrifice time to. This has been both a constant struggle and a prayer request for the entire summer. I know this might not make much sense, but essentially work is taking up time & I'm using it as an excuse to push aside important things. God is working in this area of my life. Sorry again.

On a lighter note, some fun things have happened since my last post! I got to go to a Rascal Flatts, Eli Young Band and Little Big Town concert (for all you country music fans)! I attended the concert with some other LTers along with some co-workers. It was a blast and a great evening. Also, the 4th of July happened! (Happy 4th... late) I was able to have the evening off of work and enjoyed watching the fire works from the beach and playing with fire with some good friends (dangerous... but we love America!) Lastly, I was able to spend some quality time with my family as they were able to come down for a few days. I really loved having that time with them! They rock and I constantly take them for granted.

God has been teaching me some really hard lessons while I've been down here. He has been teaching me how to value myself and see myself through Gods eyes. I am learning what it looks like to be desired by God with a unique love created only for ME. (Hey, He has one for you too!) I am falling in love with Jesus all over and realizing again the love He has always had for me. I am also learning how to listen. This may seem crazy - or maybe not - but in the past I have been an awful listener. I love to talk and love attention. These are some major sin struggles in my life. As I have been here, God has been teaching me what it looks like to earnestly listen to others and pour into their lives. This has been an awesome experience. I thank God for helping me realize this about myself.

As we approach the last weeks of this program, we are spending time looking at our dreams and ambitions. This fits perfectly with my life as I have been currently wrestling with my plans for my own future. I have been searching and praying all summer about what God wants me to study and where He wants me to study. It has been a hard journey, but through it God has revealed some awesome truths, gifts and plans about and for my life. I still don't have all of the answers, but I am running towards God and I know that He will hold on to me.

Thanks again for all of the prayers and support. I have recently reached my financial goal for the summer and I would love to thank all of you and God for providing and being faithful. I couldn't ask for a better church community, better friends, or a better family. God is so good. I hope to keep this updated a couple of more times this summer! Love y'all! 

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